Stop smoking

Need help to stop smoking?

Don't keep putting it off. Hypnosis is the most effective way to stop smoking - INSTANTLY!

Minimum willpower, maximum results.

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Hypnotherapy CDs

Buy Hypnosis CDs online

Stop Smoking Hypnosis CDs

Choose from eleven CDs - just £10 each. Or receive a discount if you buy more than one CD!

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Lose weight safely

Want to lose weight?

Unlike smoking, weight control is not instant. However we can work with you towards a steady but consistent weight loss.

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Gain confidence

Increase your confidence

This can be in relation to flying, heights, exams, driving tests, public speaking, and virtually any situation where we let our thoughts and fears prevent us from performing to our best ability.

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What is hypnosis?

Find out more about hypnotherapy

Discover the common uses for hypnotherapy.

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General Hypnotherapy Registered

Stop smoking with hypnosis

We can help you
stop smoking. Don't keep putting it off. Hypnosis is the most effective way to stop smoking -
INSTANTLY! Minimum willpower, Maximum results. Book today and start looking forward to a healthier future. We can help you
stop smoking. It's time to quit - no more butts...

Hypnotherapy is the most effective way of stopping smoking.

Make positive changes in your life today. We welcome enquiries via email using or call 0208 249 3437.

More Information on the 'No Smoking' Sessions

In just one two hour session we will help to re-educate your subconscious mind. We will use the latest techniques to free you from the chains of addiction. You will need to want to stop. Through hypnotherapy we will give you the best opportunity to stub this habit out once and for all. You KNOW you want to stop. Make the resolution happen.

CALL us today to book your NO SMOKING seminar and quit smoking for good.

No smokingQuit smoking and save money

The amount of money you will save when you quit smoking may surprise you.

Remember giving up smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. The money you spend on cigarettes is literally going up in smoke.

If your club, pub or organisation would like to offer a stop smoking course - talk to me about how easy it is to set this up anywhere in the UK.

Don't put it off, stub it out. Take control again. If you want to stop, now is the best time. Phone today on 0208 249 3437 or 07930 399 121.

Click here to see the benefits of stopping smoking now!

Let your fear disappear...

Overcome your phobias and fears

Do you have a fear of spiders, driving tests, flying, heights, exams, public speaking? We can help you combat your fears, anxieties and phobias.

Buy the fears and phobias hypnosis CD online now!

Safe and easy weight loss

Lose weight safely with hypnotherapy"I am 100% happy with what happened and the outcome so far. It was most certainly the best money I've spent in a long time!"

We can work with you towards a steady but consistent weight loss.

Buy the lose weight CD online now!

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